Monday 27 July 2009

quick update

Ok I am going to have to change these into actual stories later when I have more time, but here is the basic rundown...

Osaka night 2: Ran into our waiter from the previous night and took him to dinner and then all you can drink bar. It turns out that both an American girl and and English guy can both drink a Japanese bartender under the table. Poor Shoua kept trying to explain why he was sick in horrible English and finally gave up and typed it into his little translation machine which informed us that he was suffering from motion sickness due to alcohol. Hehe. Good night.

Kyoto/Nara: Spent the day walking around and looking at tons of shrines and temples. Met a few English kids in the hostel bar. Next day the 3 of us went to Nara for the day to explore. Nara was beautiful - more shrines and temples galore. Went out to some random shot bar and met a group of engineers from all over the place, ended up going to some club and staying out all night. When I got back home around 6:30 am I decided that I might as well just stay up so I got my stuff together and went to Himeji for the day. Spent the day walking around and exploring one of the few remaining original castles with this JET from Australian that Tlyer put me in touch with. That afternoon I left Himeji and got on the fastest shinkansen for Tokyo. By the way, I found a railpass and used that for Kyoto, Nara, Himeji, and Tokyo. YES!

Tokyo: By the time I got to Tokyo it was late on the 26th. I was exhausted from no sleep the night before so I decided to just chill at the hostel for the night. I ended up meeting some really cool kids from all over the US - almost everyone was American that night. Spent the next day exploring the Asakusa and Ueno area with two sexy guys from New Hampshire. We got lost... ALOT but it was great. That night I met up with a kid I know from Nashville and we all went out to another all you can drink place. (we should really get some of those in knoxville) Another crazy night followed and we ended up losing one kid but all ended ok when Mike finally made it home at 9am this morning. I miss those boys already :)

OK so now I am back with Tyler in Tokyo and hopefully headed up north tomorrow!

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