Monday 13 July 2009

Jetlag is a bitch

So it turns out that you can walk around Tokyo with a beer in hand- totally legal. It also turns out that having several of these beers and then boarding an overnight ferry is not the best way to get over jetlag. In fact in might be the worst.

My first night in Japan was spent of the overnight ferry from Tokyo to Oshima. Tyler reserved us "seats" on the ferry which actually consisted of a body-sized square marked with duct tape on the floor of one of the boat's lower level. Scary. Somehow I managed to pass out for a few hours while laying in my square surrounded by snoring Japanese men who were headed back to the island after a long weekend in Tokyo. After finally landing on Oshima around 5am, we found the car and headed home. Tyler and I had discussed sleeping arrangements last week. He mentioned over and over again that I wouldn't be a burden while staying with him on the island because he had a futon I could sleep on. So this whole time I am thinking a futon as in a couch that folds down into a bed. Makes sense right? Imagine my shock when I finally make to the island with only a few hours of sleep in the past 2 days and a miserable seasick/hangover and Tyler throws a couple blankets on the ground for my "futon." Hah. I must have looked at him like he was crazy. When I asked where his bed was, he simply pointed to the other side of the room where there was another pile of blankets on the floor. Sleep tight!

This morning/afternoon when I finally woke up, we headed to this little restaurant in downtown Oshima that Tyler's Japanese family owns. After a delish breakfast, the father taught me how to say a few useful phases in Japanese that sounds like English. For example, one answers the phone in Japan "mushi mushi" which sounds like "washing machine" in English. He made me practice all different phrases while the other tables simply stared or laughed.

Oh another thing that makes the Japanese laugh is that idea of being vegetarian. The concept of not eating meat simply doesn't make sense to them. When Tyler explains it to them, they look at me curiously, laugh, then ask for an explanation. Once they understand that I don't eat meat, they offer me fish instead and we start the process over again. In the end, they just conclude that I might be a little crazy and move on.

After lunch we headed out on a tour of the island. I saw the main fishing port and visited a few local museums which were basically small unused houses with a sign reading "this place is museum" on the front door. One did have 3 life sized geishas inside who moved mechanically and sang a traditional song. Terrifying when you don't expect it! I also took my first Japanese driving lesson which consisted of me often forgetting to drive on the left side of the road and Tyler screaming at me for getting to close to the sides. Tommorow Tyler has to work and I am taking the car out alone for the day....this is gonna be interesting.

Actually, Tyler had to work today too but he forgot. He just got a call and ran out the front door headed for the school so I decided it was the perfect time to start this blog so those of you with nothing else better to do or those wanting to be super chaw on my life -DAD- could follow my travels. I don't know how often I will be able to write, but I plan on staying on Oshima for the few week or so.




  1. Geez Mare sounds like you've had a big trip in only two days! The drinking before your ferry was a bad idea I have to say. I wish I could have come just so you wouldn't have been alone, however I'm not sorry I missed that duck taped square on the floor. I hope you're having fun though. :) We all miss you here! :(
    Love ya Big Sis!!

  2. Hey Mari! This blog isn't gay at all! It's just a different kind of cool, like it's so cool, you don't even know that it's cool, kind of cool. Anyways, it sounds like you are having a pretty interesting time in Japan! Write more so we can all keep up! I'm gonna link this to Trevor too, he was interested in your trip when I told him about it last Monday. Miss you! Stay Safe!



  3. MJ--you've inspired me to join the whole blog thing. Great first entry. Keep 'em coming.

    We all miss you here.

