Tuesday 21 July 2009


Ok so I bid farewell to Tyler and the island of Oshima and headed to Tokyo a few days ago. While walking down the street, this random old man comes up to me and asks me if he can speak English to me. I of course say yes and then I went on my first Japanese date! We went to dinner next to my bus stop and practiced his English for about 2 hours. He had a couple kids my age and told me all about them. He was actually an English teacher....which doesn't really make much sense because he couldn't really speak English that well.

Anyway, I got on the bus and headed to Hiroshima for the next two nights solo. Luckily I met 2 American kids and one dead sexy English guy and we all explored Hiroshima together. The first day we saw the A- Bomb dome (what is left of this giant building in the downtown area of Hiroshima), went to the Atomic bomb Memorial Museum, spent some time in Peace Park, and climbed to the very top of the Hiroshima castle. It rained the entire time but the rain kind of added to the somber scene at the sight where the atomic bomb destroyed an entire city. The next day we went out to Miyajima but the tide was low so it didn't exactly look like the pictures. It was still completely amazing though.

Sorry this post isn't very funny. There is nothing funny about nuclear war, and the city of Hiroshima is a constant reminder of why things need to change .

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