Wednesday 29 July 2009

I think I'm Lost

Went to a party in Shibuya with Tyler and this group of friends from the I Think I'm Lost website that Tyler runs. I just assumed that everyone knew each other, but I was sooo wrong. Since they were all friends through this website and not in real life, every one was introducing themselves as their screen names:

dude: Hey, I'm Allaboutanime378
girl: Ohh, I though you might be him! I'm Sexygirl4U
dude: Nice....I imagined you would be hot.

Pretty hilarious conversations to overhear actually. I introduced myself to a few people as some super random, made up names but they weren't into it. It quickly became apparent that I wasn't informed about what had been said on the latest thread so I was pretty much screwed. They would just look at me like I was an alien because I was obviously saying the wrong things...Ooops? The internet attracts some interesting characters and the whole evening was pretty awkward but funny. Anyway, I ended up staying the night in some random internet cafe that night because we were locked out of the hotel room.

The Japanese are too trusting. The next morning Tyler simply went to the front desk of this super nice hotel and gave them the name and room number of someone he knew was staying there. The guy just assumed that we were actually staying there. No ID check. Nothing. So basically we broke into someone's room the next morning for a little more sleep and some free showers! Woohoo!

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