Monday 3 August 2009


The Japanese are so smart. They made an entire island by sinking tons of trash into Tokyo Bay and then pouring some dirt on top. And the icing on the cake? They named the place "F island!" Well not really....they actually named it Odiaba, but there is a themepark type place there called "F Island" which is still pretty funny to me.

Also housed on the island is a giant 59 foot "life sized" Gundam. I am not really sure what the story is here but apparently Gundam is a machine like superhero figure in Japanese culture and he is kind of a big deal. The waiting line was over an hour long just to get into the Gundam giftshop...on a weekday!

After the day on Odaiba, Tyler and I went on an all you can drink booze cruise around Tokyo Bay. I'm starting to worry about becoming an alcoholic because everywhere I go its all you can drink night. The views of Tokyo were amazing and there was great non-traditional Japanese entertainment going on.

After the cruise, we headed toward Karaoke and everyone knows how I feel about that...Bipolar. Actually Japanese Karaoke isn't as bad though. Its just your group of friends in the room so you can pretty much make it as much or as little bipolar as you like. (Lauren, I would def go to MacLeods with you every night if it was like this place!) I then attempted to take myself home. Bad idea. I ended up getting very lost and wondered around until this nice 5 ft tall Japanese man decided to take me under his wing and help me find my way home. About an hour later we arrived at the friend's house where I was staying that night. Thank you little man whose name I can't remember!

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