Monday 3 August 2009


The morning after the booze cruise was rough, but 2 Tylenol (or I hope that was Tylenol anyway - I don't read Japanese) and 1 Pacari Sweat later and I was back in the game! I ended up going to this concert of this guy I had met a few days before somewhere in Shinjuku. This guy is in law school in Tokyo but is an exchange student from New Zealand. Anyway, he is in this Japanese Weezer cover band. It was awesome. I got to see all these different bands doing songs in English when half of the singers didn't even speak English. By the way, the Japanese love Avril Lavigne. Half the songs were her. Random.

After the concert, I headed down to the beach at Kamakura for the weekend. There was a big party on the beach and I somehow ended up being the only girl in our group so half the night was spent with the guys playing pick up artist on the beach. I guess its intimidating to get approached by a huge group of guys on the beach because they would always immediately introduce me - kinda like bait. "Look, we are cool we promise...we already have one girl with us!" Haha!

The girls didn't speak any English so I was hard for me to communicate with them, but the next morning I bonded with the girls in the universal language of women....Sex and The City! We woke up first the next morning, found a random Sex and the City DVD and put it on while everyone else was still asleep. People started waking up and looking into the living room like "WTF?" There were bodies all around us on the floor and we were all lined up on the couch. 3 perfectly pampered Japanese girls and me!

I say perfectly pampered because they had just spent 2 hours quietly fixing their makeup before anyone else woke up. I would be an epic fail if I lived in this girl society.

I took this picture on the train ride back to Tokyo. You have to love her tattoo. "Love, Believe, Fren." Classic.

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